SPRAC 2025 Fine Art Show and sale Applications due Feb. 20
Quote of the Month
“A picture is a poem without words.”
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Every Sunday afternoon 1pm to 3pm
At the VFW Hall in Benson $35
At Endeavor gallery learning center
1:30 to 3:30pm
Bring in a project to work on with friends
DATES/TIMES: Next Change out TBD
PLACE: Endeavor Art Gallery
2nd and 4th Wednesday 10am at the Palace. No registration required 55+ adults. Welcome to bring a lunch. www.willcoxartleague.com
Visit the Amerind Museum website for info. www.amerind.org
SPRAC / Endeavor Art Gallery
298 E 4th St, PO Box 1358, Benson, AZ 85602-1358